Hours: Mon-Thur 11am
– 8pm
Fridays 11am – 9pm
Saturdays 10am – 8pm
Sunday 1/27 10am – 6pm
Sunday 2/3 10am – 4pm
This is the biggest boat show
on the west coast. The show features more than 1,000 yachts and boats plus the
latest accessories and supplies. There are more than 200 interesting boating
and fishing seminars. www.seattleboatshow.com.
Dykstra Seminars – W 1/30 - 6:15 - Yellow Room and F 2/1 - Noon - Red Room
The 1/30 seminar title is “Pontoon
Boats in the PNW: Pros vs Cons.” Pontoon boats are sweeping the country but are
just starting to become popular in the PNW. The new generation of pontoon boats
uses modern multi-hull technology. But what are the drawbacks? We will present
the pluses and minuses.
The 2/1 seminar title is “Cruising
Lake Washington: Navigating the Locks, Where to Dock, Anchor, Party and Dine!” Lake Washington is a fabulous boating destination but is often
overlooked by salt-water boaters. There is great anchoring where you can swim
in 75º fresh water. We will discuss the many things to see and do including viewing
the fabulous mansions on “The Map of The Stars.”
The Boat Show’s main location
is indoors at the CenturyLink Field Convention
Center . The Show has exhibitors showing large yachts in the water at South
Lake Union. There is free shuttle service between the two locations.
I will be exhibiting at
Captain’s Nautical Supplies, booth Concourse 2240 and will be there most of the
time. I will occasionally be at Tom’s – Avalon Luxury Pontoon Boats, booth
North 161. I bought my new Avalon (Avalon
video) luxury pontoon boat (boating blog and video)
from Tom at 2011’s show. I recommend you stop by and see some of the perfect
boats for the PNW. www.TomsBoatShop.com.
Go to Dykstra Boat
Show pdf for more information including hours, directions and a map. Call
my cell – 206-931-6065 for show passes.